I'm going to try this: I'm timing myself from the end of this sentence; I've got 5 minutes to write a blog and hit publish.

When I was young I wanted to impress people. I wanted them to think I was some kind of important. Impressing other people is a dead-end, though, that's for sure.
If I spent my whole life doing things to impress other people, I'd be dead in a few years with nothing to show for it but a sad legacy. I'm not entirely sure what that means.
So what the hell am I doing now? Am I still trying to impress people? To be honest, I think I am. Not as much, and not as intentionally as when I was young. But I'm sure it's in human nature. Not even human nature, it's in all nautre. The animal kingdom is all about trying to impress people, no not people, animals.
Animals have two things they do:
1) find food/water
2) impress other animals.
Then let's ask this: Is me just doing my own thing without worrying about tyring to impress people more human or less human? I think it depends on the definition of human. Are we a species that's trying to evolve to some unknown goal that will leave us so isolated from resembling anything else on this planet? Or is to be a true human to remain a little animalistic?
I'm not sure if this blog was worth reading. I hope it was. But then again maybe I don't. I guess that depends if I'm writing it to impress you or if I'm writing it to just be me.
Time's up. But I'm going to add some extremely relevant pictures now.